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6 hoursTake an inspiring trip with The Sales Psychologist and experience a total Sales Transformation makeover that will re-define your Sales Identity, harness your natural talents, develop razor-sharp selling skills thus aligning your life for optimum success. This voyage is specially designed for professionals with at least 2 years of selling experience to established sales leaders, and even to those who may have already developed their own styles of comfortable engagement.
The Sales Psychologist will impart his trademark principles, helping you to discover deeper insights into your inner self – your value system, fears, desires, challenges, and boundaries that limit your potential to enjoying real success.
This Certification program is for those interested in :
- Becoming more effective as well as equipped as a Sales Leader, Sales Trainer or Business Owner within their own organization
- Developing a solid foundation and greater confidence as a Certified Sales Trainer to your internal / external clients
- Learning proven methods, strategies, skills as high impact Sales Trainer that is based on world class best practices.
The days of the traveling salesman going from city to city holding face-to-face meetings with prospects are fast receding in the rearview mirror. In the digital age, aggressive companies stay competitive by transferring most of their core selling processes to their websites and telesales staff.
Our two-day Tele-Selling with Impact phone sales training seminar is designed to transform your telesales staff from simple order takers into full-fledged consultative sales account representatives. Our experienced sales training instructors will provide practice and personal coaching in a wide variety of listening and questioning skills that will enable your telesales staff to build rapport with callers and uncover important customer needs.
Large, powerful empires and dynasties were built by people who studied and practiced Sun Tzu’s The Art of War strategy. Here are unconventional methods in understanding Sun Tzu’s Art of War by harnessing the psychological dynamics of strategy formation and pillar group transformation.
You will learn and derive powerful principles from ancient secrets and apply them together with proven sales strategy frameworks developed by The Sales Psychologist and create breakthrough methods to win over customers, increase business, and overtake your competitors.
Hiring the right Salesperson is perhaps one of the most critical task that any sales leader, recruiter, or business owner has to manage. Find and position a suitable candidate in place, and your business will skyrocket. Hire the wrong one, and you might as well throw thousands of dollars into the drain, to say the least. Imagine the opportunity cost loss, the hours of unproductive coaching & monitoring, and perhaps the worst, your “sanity” in trying to squeeze real performance from those who may never improve.
This seminar provides leaders, managers, and business owners with valuable tools and insight to mitigate these challenges early–at the time of hiring.
When was the last time any sales presentation actually had a lasting impact on you? Did it create in you an influential urge to take some positive action? Or did it give a lasting negative impression of the presenter and the offering? Do you know that research has shown that an effective sales presentation can increase your chance of winning business and overtaking your competitor by over 300%?
The journey taken in this workshop will bring you through key milestones of powerful principles to enjoying quicker results, delivering action-driven presentations, more business, and greater confidence in your everyday endeavors.
Learning how to manage multi-layered relationships, develop strategic engagement plans and influence the decision making process as well as the order size of your key accounts are critical skills that all corporate or key account managers must embrace and excel in.
This 2 days program will help account managers, business development professionals and corporate sales managers to acquire the necessary skills by providing the appropriate toolkit and best practices in developing, managing, influencing and growing the key accounts.
Today’s purchasers are more attuned to the “real value” of what they’re buying.
Discover how to influence them and improve your profits! Regain the seller’s advantage over today’s more sophisticated purchaser with the help of this strategic sales negotiation training. Learn the tools, techniques and savvy sales negotiation tactics that enable you to influence your buyer’s perception of cost, value and benefits. Close the sale by maintaining a flexible position that successfully counters your buyer’s negotiating moves.
Far too much time, energy, and money pour down the drain these days in organizations and people’s personal lives, as people have not been taught how to ‘cope’ in such fast-changing times. If this is you, then you’ll be glad to hear that there are some powerful tools and techniques you can learn and apply to enhance your self-management, and create a smoother, more focused, and stress-free way of working.
This practical workshop is essential for anyone wanting to make their life in and out of work easier. You’ll also learn how to get more done in less time more enjoyably.
This program helps organizations to develop comprehensive strategies to win sales opportunities. Sales teams will use the popular Blue Sheet to develop action plans to successfully sell solutions that require approval from multiple decision-makers in the customer’s organization.
This program significantly improves the odds of winning complex sales opportunities. It gives organizations a common process and language for pursuing sales opportunities and criteria for allocating resources to determine when to walk away from resource-intensive deals with a low probability of success.
Typically, salespeople learn to sell in only two ways:
1. Learning from mistakes while gaining needed experience along the way.
2. Copying and adapting techniques that have successfully worked for others.
Therein lies the challenge. If you are the type who is naturally aggressive and outgoing, you probably feel comfortable applying the first method. However, if you are otherwise, then you will most likely not feel comfortable learning via trial and error.
Copying from others, adapting their successful techniques, and making it as part of their sales approach may also not necessarily work for just any salesperson. As a matter of fact, it may even jeopardize their prospective opportunities and what they are trying to achieve.
Despite these ironies, we hold firm to the principle that everyone can learn to sell. The key lies in understanding one’s inherent identity and the natural strengths that will enable them to learn best. This consequently, empowers and enables you to master your sales approach, adapting to changing situations, and winning customers by creating influential choices.
The basic principle of knowing yourself is that every Salesperson is responsible and in control of their mindset and actions, and able to generate their own ability to adapt to the situations they encounter. We will call this ability our Sales Intelligence. Developing the ideal Sales Identity, maximizing your natural talents, and harnessing your positive value system is absolutely crucial to achieving your fullest potential as top-notched sales professional.
The journey taken in this workshop will bring you through key milestones of self-discovery and essential principles to enjoying more profitable sales, stronger customer relationships, and greater motivational drive in your everyday endeavors.
Benefits & Outcomes
This course will help participants:
Who Should Attend
Sales Professionals, Sales Leaders, Sales Agents, Business Development Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and anyone who needs to sell directly or indirectly to get achieve bottom-line results.
Participants will take home with them a personalized copy of the Sales Star Inventory profile, a high impact workbook, case study notes, sales situational engagement templates and relevant supporting tools to enhance selling success.
This is a two-day workshop that is available for both in-house and public seminar training.
Customer sophistication, fierce competition, commoditization, price obsession, complex sales cycles, globalization, changes in buying behaviors; even in the face of these challenges, new sales opportunities can be pursued and won. To capitalize on these possibilities, a salesperson must have superior selling skills that build customer trust and differentiate you from your competitors.
Once an experienced salesperson has shown they can distinguish between selling to clients and managing that account professionally, then they should attend this course to fully explore the strategic value of developing key accounts. They will leave with a very different perspective on key account management and a better understanding of strategic sales planning.
Professional Selling Skills helps organizations develop comprehensive strategies to win sales opportunities. Sales teams will use the popular Blue Sheet to develop action plans to successfully sell solutions that require approval from multiple decision makers in the customer’s organization.
This program significantly improves the odds of winning complex sales opportunities. It gives organizations a common process and language for pursuing sales opportunities and criteria for allocating resources to determine when to walk away from resource-intensive deals with a low probability of success. Organizations will be provided the tools to help salespeople focus time and energy on those opportunities most likely to become profitable, long-term customers.
This two-day professional selling training program will help you to achieve dazzling heights in your sales success.
A successful participant of this course will be able to:
Sales Professionals, Sales Leaders, Sales Agents, Business Development Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and anyone who needs to sell directly or indirectly to get achieve bottom-line results. This program is specifically designed for Sales & Business Development Professionals with a minimum of at least 3 years on-the-job sales experience or at least completed prior fundamental sales programs eg. JumpStart™ Selling or the equivalent.
This results-based course will be challenging, thought provoking, informational and inspiring. Candidates will use a variety of learning tools including workshops, case studies, games, real life scenarios and open learning.
This is a two-day workshop available for both in-house training or public seminar.
What is the one thing that can make all the difference in selling? You have an excellent product, a responsive territory and a great marketing campaign, but, without this key ingredient, you are unlikely to make the sale. The missing ingredient is passion.
It is often passion that compels a salesperson to communicate, with total conviction and belief, the specific attributes of their product. It is passion that allows a salesperson to really care and listen to the concerns of their customers. It is passion that allows any challenge or hurdle, to be overcome.
This old adage is certainly true of selling – “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.
Think about it – when a customer notices someone looking and sounding excited when discussing a product, the unconscious mind is saying, “There must be something in this. Why would someone be so passionate about something that wasn’t good?” The unconscious mind is a powerful force and will often make a decision long before the conscious mind has taken in all the logical information to support such a decision.
Selling is all about passion, believing 150% in what you’re offering, and demonstrating that in every way and at every occasion. When you fail to whole-heartedly believe in what you’re selling, there’s no way you’ll be successful long-term. Add to the mix the uncertainty of the economy and it becomes essential for people to be passionate.
You will learn how to bring creativity, enthusiasm and passion to the job of selling. Selling with Passion & Power will motivate your sales people – and more importantly, it will give you or your salespeople a solid foundation to succeed.
Why is Selling with Passion & Power Workshop important to your success?
Objectives & Outcome
At the end of the program, participants will be able to learn:
Who Should Attend?
Sales Professionals, Sales Leaders, Sales Agents, Business Development Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and anyone who needs to sell directly or indirectly to get achieve bottom-line results.
This will be a two-day program of empowering, motivating, and transformational sales development for participants.
Far too much time, energy, and money pours down the drain these days in organizations and people’s personal lives, as people have not been taught how to cope in such fast-changing times. If this is you, then you’ll be glad to hear that there are some powerful tools and techniques you can learn and apply to enhance your self-management, and create a smoother, more focused, and stress-free way of working. This practical workshop is essential for anyone wanting to make their life in and out of work easier. You’ll also learn how to get more done in less time more enjoyably.
Executives, team leaders & managers who want to increase their effectiveness and performance at the organizational, interpersonal and personal levels by overcoming leadership and managerial challenges that prevent them from achieving key organizational and personal goals.
Two days of interactive workshop facilitated by our highly experienced trainer, case studies, assessments, workbook, experiential activities and certificate of accomplishment.
This results-based course will be challenging, thought provoking, informational and inspiring. Candidates will use a variety of learning tools including workshops, case studies, games, real life scenarios and open learning.
This is a two-day workshop available for both in-house training or public seminar.